The last few weeks my kids have said and done some crazy stuff. They've really had some doozies that are just too good to not share with you! In the infamous style of McMamma, here are my favorites.
I have talked with my daughter since a very early age, about appropriate and inappropriate behavior and touching with boys. I've also encouraged her to be very brave about having good boundaries with boys. I have always told her that if a boy ever touches her inappropriately, she has my permission to slap him and tell him he is to treat her like a lady. There is a little boy at church that has a crush on Molly, and is always pestering her. Well, last Sunday Molly came and found me right after Sunday School, and she was furious! This young man had positioned himself in her class so that he was sitting next to her. Every time Molly stood up, this young man would stick his hand out on her seat, so that when she sat down again, she would sit down on his hand. So after she relaid this story to me, I asked her what she did about it. Much to my amusement, she did not then tell me that she hit him, stood up, planted herself right in front of this boy, and started singing the late 1980's song, "You Can't Touch This" by MCHammer.That's my girl! Every scenario in my life reminds me of lyrics to a song. I was actually quite proud of her for standing up for herself.
Since my kids are at church so much, they sometimes feel a little too comfortable there on Sunday's, and can sometimes be seen running like wild gypsy children around the church, and letting out whooping war cries. That behavior isn't appreciated by most, so I have been working on training them to walk in the halls, talk with their indoor voices, etc. like nice little pastor's kids. Well, Joseph, my just barely 3 year old, doesn't quite always remember to observe these new rules, and last Sunday was one of those occasions. So, when we got home from church I was talking to him about it. He didn't particularly care for our conversation, and told me he "doesn't want to be quiet and walk at church."
I said, "I know you don't want to, but you need to obey Mommy."
"Why? I don't like to obey." He replied.
"Because in the Bible God tells little boys to obey their Mommies," was the best reply I could come up with.
Joseph most certainly did not then place his hands on his hips, look my straight in the eyes, and say, "My Bible doesn't say that!"
I, of all people, didn't then decide that it was a pointless argument to have with an over tired 3 year old, give up, and just put him in bed. I'm much more diligent then that!
This same little three year old boy has not been going around saying, "Hey baby!" to random women and girls in the store, as well as a couple of our neighbors. Where did he learn that? I have Porky from The Little Rascals movie to thank for that one!
Speaking of neighbors....Our neighbors that live right next door to us are the sweetest little couple. They are in their late 70's and have been very much like grandparents to my children since we moved here two years ago. "Miss Mary," as my kids call her has a very painful gum disease which is causing all of her teeth to die and fall out. Bless her heart, she is so embarrassed by this, and will hardly ever smile or look at you in the eyes anymore. I will admit that even as an adult it is hard to talk to her without staring at her mouth sometimes. My son, Luke, didn't just find this dear old lady's dental predicament to be particularly puzzling one day, and blurted out, "Miss Mary, do you ever brush your teeth?" Poor lady...she didn't know quite what to say. She just replied, "Well, of course I do!" Luke didn't just continue without his conversational filter off then and retorted, "You would never know it!" Oh, he can be such a little blessing sometimes! I wanted to disappear through the crack in the sidewalk! I then had to politely excuse myself, whisk him home, explain about Miss Mary's teeth, and then make him go back and apologize.
Ah....then there is Luke and the toilet. Recently he used the toilet (without lifting the lid up) and sprayed all over the seat. Molly was the next to use it, and absolutely had a conniption that she had sat down in urine. So, I went to talk to Luke and remind him about good manners when using the bathroom. I told him he needs to always lift the seat up, and ALWAYS make sure he cleans up any mess he left behind.
He did not then reply to me, "But mom, I always do! I wipe off the toilet seat with either my shirt sleeve or the hand towel in the bathroom. I just forgot today."
I was rather horrified and said, "What? You use the hand towel?" Thinking that I was upset about the towel not getting hung back up, (that's one of my pet peeves) he most certainly did not quickly defend his actions with, "Yes, mom. I always hang it back up though!"
"How long have you been doing this with the hand towel?" I asked.
"Oh, since we lived in Seattle." He replied.
Yeah, that was 2 1/2 years ago. No wonder virus' fly around this house so quickly. I still am completely grossed out when I think about this. I guess it's a good thing I change the hand towel every night.
Hope you have a great Monday!
LOL! Your kids are too funny! I can totally see Molly doin the MCHammer thing!
Your kids are so beautiful and funny! You are really blessed! I wish I lived closer to you and could meet them in person!
Your kids are so cute! I miss them!