It's been 16 years since I graduated from high school. Unbelievable! 16 years! In those
16 years I've lived in 5 states and moved 19 times. I am so excited that for the first time in
16 years, I am FINALLY completely unpacked! I have never been this settled anywhere since
I was 18 years old. It's a first for me! This may seem ridiculous to you, but it is HUGE and
monumental in my life. I finally was able to get to the last of the boxes, and the storage
room of miscellaneous stuff this week. Good riddance to the last of the moving boxes, and
may I not have to see any more of you for a LONG time!
onto, and moving around the country for years and never have used. I took three car loads
of stuff to Goodwill too. All of this was just from the storage room in the basement.
Absolutely embarrassing, and I'm not living like that anymore!
Speaking of of this week it's the first time I've been able to finally get to
unpacking and organizing our bedroom from our move over 2 years ago....yeah, pretty
sad...I know. I always unpack the kids stuff first so that the transition is easier for them,
and with this move I just never got to our room. I finally know exactly where everything
is, and I LOVE it! I love color coding my drawers and my closet. I love being organized!
More firsts:
-It's the first time in my married life that I've lived somewhere for over 2 years!
It feels so good!
-As of last week, it is the first time in over a year that Ryan and I have not had to have one or more kids sleeping in our room with us in over a year. YUP! Over a year of that! Joseph was
such a bugger about staying in his "big boy bed" that it has taken over a year for him to
comply and stay in his bed. I've been having to deal with him at all hours of the night, and it would wake up Luke, and I didn't think that was fair to him. So between Luke sleeping in our room, a newborn, sick kids, kids having nightmares, etc. it's been quite an ordeal just to get a decent nights sleep for me!
-For the first time in 9 years (since my oldest was born) I've been able to sleep in two days this past week. My kind husband got up with the kids, and let me sleep because he knows just how exhausted I am. Isn't that sweet?
So, yeah.....Life is settling down and I'm starting to get into a groove. It's only taken 16 years!
OOOO! I want my closet and dresser to look like that! I love it! How in the world do you stay organized with four kids and everything else you do? You are amazing!