It all started when I was in bed-rest with my last pregnancy from January through March of 2009. I laid on the couch while life happened around me like a whirlwind. The kids got off of their routine of putting away their toys, cleaning the playroom, and keeping their bedrooms tidy. A lot of behavior issues started being brushed aside as well because frankly, I couldn't get up and deal with it, and Ryan was too exhausted from trying to balance work and keep things afloat here at the house. Things that have never been allowed in this house started becoming a part of regular life. (watching t.v. and movies all morning, talking back to parents, fighting, pouting, etc.) Then there is the house issue. Because various people where coming in to help us during this time with various household chores, my husband was doing his best in that area too, and nobody knows my system for organization...the house took a nosedive as well in the areas of cleanliness and orderliness. I was so drugged out of my mind during this time, that I didn't even realize, or care, what was happening.
Enter baby #4 in March. Naturally with her arrival, arrived more chaos. Sleepless nights, more mess, more noise, less time for necessary things. (devotions, exercise, communication with my husband, etc.) Slowly at first, then picking up speed as it started doing the snowball effect, I have found myself overwhelmed, frustrated, and just plain old discouraged this summer. I spent all of May sitting in the middle of the chaos trying to figure out where to even start in fixing it. I wandered through the house, from room to room. I realized that every single room in the house was under construction. There are literally open ended projects in EVERY room, with construction materials sitting in the middle of EVERY room.
June was a month of outside projects, which we are still working on. July was my month of avoidance...if I'm not here in the house then I can't see it, and I can pretend it isn't there. How's that for messed up thinking? Now it's August. I have reality staring me in the a month I have to start homeschooling again, and I don't feel anywhere near ready! Plus, I know that August, September, and October are big months for me for canning. Where is that supposed to fit into my life?
I am normally an extremely organized person. I am very task oriented...meaning that I make a list, I check things off as I go, and I don't ever start things without finishing them. I'm also very perfectionistic. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it right. To top it all off, a situation from the past that hadn't ever been dealt with, and I have never found closure to, surfaced out of nowhere this summer. That completely threw me off mentally and emotionally. Then there are those relationships that I'm sure everyone has in their life, that just don't ever seem to make progress, no matter what you try. I've got one in particular that has just had me baffled. So, my world has been rocked to say the least!
So, my question has been, where do I even start? I've decided to start with ME! I have been giving, serving, and working hard the last 10 years to the point that I am empty. There is nothing left to give! What does this look like in the practical sense? It means I am taking care of myself....eating GOOD food, not quick food and I'm exercising on a daily basis. I've lost 9% of my total body weight this summer just by doing those things! Plus, I'm trying to do one extra thing a day just for myself, other than the basics. (getting dressed, bathing, etc.) This would include polishing my toe-nails, fixing my hair really nice, wearing a cute outfit, etc. These physical things make me feel better about myself and about life. Maybe that's shallow, but it's true! Most importantly, I've been making time to be with God everyday. This usually happens while the kids are napping/resting. That is sacred time for me. I do my devotions, pray, drink a cup of coffee, and relax on the porch for at least a half hour every day. I don't answer the phone during this time, and nobody is allowed to interrupt that time for any reason! I don't let the kids skip their rest time, ever! I need that time to regroup, so we can get through the rest of the day.
Next, I've realistically prioritized what needs to be done for me to feel sane. Number one for me is to get organized again! This is not in any way a quick fix. I have to go through all of the closets, drawers, etc. It would just be so nice to know exactly where things are, and where exactly it all belongs!
Then I choose two rooms in the house that I wanted to completely finish before the end of summer. I choose the front porch because that is my favorite room in the house. It's my sanctuary...where I go to relax! I also choose the schoolroom/computer room because that is where the work gets done. I want to feel at peace and feel focused in here when we are trying to do school... not aggravated and claustrophobic!
I've also chosen specific issues with my children that are priorities to me to work on. 1. Maggie needed to sleep all night long without anymore feedings in the middle of the night. I need my sleep to function!
2. Joseph had to get rid of his binky's and be potty-trained. He needs to start being a big boy and stop some of his baby behavior.
3. Molly and Luke need to start helping out more around the house, and learn good work ethic.
That is what we are working on in regards to gaining that ground back.
My mom has always had this saying, "Do the next thing." Every time I have felt overwhelmed, and don't know where to even begin, I remember that saying. Look at the big picture, prioritize, and just "do the next thing."
So that is my advice to you, the reader that is feeling overwhelmed.
#1. Make YOU a priority
#2. Get organized!
#3. Pick some battles to conquer with your kids that are actually win-able! Start small, and be realistic!
#4. "Do the next thing!"
2 Corinthians 4: 7-8, 16-18 has been a great encouragement to me.
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
vs. 16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
Julie, thanks so much for sharing your journey. It's an encouragement to know what is happening in the lives of our sisters in Christ! May the Lord bless you today with all the abilities you need to conquer this ground!
Fixing my eyes.
So true Julie...we live in a world that is passing away and isn't really "reality" as we know it. The spiritual is the reality and we need to focus on what we are doing in our present time to affect that spiritual reality. I too am pretty overwhelmed at times and move between getting things done and falling behind. I appreciate your candor and pratical ideas as well. Thanks!
Blessings to you!
Julie, I love you so much and always appreciate your honesty about your life! You are a good motivator to me and others. I'm glad that things are looking up for you now.