Marguerite Evelyn Solle' Huebner
Born:  Thursday, March 5, 2009
Weight: 7 lbs. 14 oz.
Length: 19 3/4 inch

A little explanation as to her name...
Marguerite is my paternal grandmother's name.  She has been such a huge part of my life, and she is the cutest little lady! The name Marguerite means "Pearl of great price."  We thought that it was just so appropriate because a pearl is formed when there is a foreign object aggravating the inside of an oyster.  Out of  something not pleasant is something created of great value.  After my rough pregnancy, Maggie is our pearl of great price!!!
Evelyn is my maternal grandmother's middle name.  This grandma has also been a huge part of my life, and she is known for her servant's heart and her work ethic.  I hope that our Maggie is known by these qualities someday as well!
Solle' is a french name that means "little sunshine." (pronounced "soul-lay") I am partly french, so we wanted to include some "ethnicity" in her name, plus we just loved the meaning!  Our children are definitely little sunshines in our life!

Our little Maggie sure is just one of the sweetest babies ever created!  She has such a pleasant little temperament, and is very interactive already.  She is smiling and cooing quite a bit these days.  She is also sleeping about 5 hours at a time at night....which makes me smile!!! We are so thankful God has added her to our family, and it is hard to believe that it's already been a month! 

So, who won the contest for guessing Maggie's weight and length?  Drumroll please..........
Chris was the closest!  His guess was 7 lbs. 5 oz, 20 inches long.  Congrats Chris!  Apparently you've seen many newborns in your time!  : )


Yes, Yes...I know...I have been A.W.O.L. for the last month.  I purposely made the choice to just focus on my family for a month, and let the "extra's" fall to the wayside.  Well, I feel a tad bit rested, and back in a routine now, and hopefully I'll be able to blog more frequently now! 
2 Responses
  1. Shea Says:

    Maggie is so cute!!! Ben and Emily are sitting here with me looking at the blog and Ben said "Ewe, they're kissing" about the picture of you and Ryan. :) I love that picture though. You guys are so cute!

  2. Chris Says:

    Although satisfaction of a job well done feels good, I sure would love one of those fabulous hand made Huebner artifacts. I am glad that Maggie is doing so well.