Me, in January, 2009 pregnant with Maggie. Due date
March 16, 2009
33 weeks pregnant
Me pregnant with Joseph. Sept. 2006
35 weeks pregnant.
Me pregnant with Luke. Jan, 2003
He was born March 16, 2003 (Maggie's due date)
32 weeks pregnant
Unfortunately, I don't have any digital pictures of
me pregnant with my first baby, but I thought
I was huge!
It's just really funny to me that I thought I was so huge with each of my previous babies! As you can see, I have just gotten progressively bigger with each one. I'd hate to see what I look like if I kept having them! Anyway, I found it amusing, hopefully you do too!
Just for fun...a little contest!
Guess Maggie's birth weight and length
So, here are the birth weights of my other kids:
Molly- 6 lbs. 11 oz , 19 inches long (3 weeks overdue)
Luke- 8 lbs 8 oz, 22 1/2 inches long (1 day overdue)
Joseph- 7 lbs. 14 oz, 22 inches long (5 days early)
Pretty all over the board eh? The person that guesses the closest to her actual length and weight.......wins the satisfaction of a job well done!!!
(Keep in mind that she is going to be born probably March 2...3 weeks early.)
6lbs 5oz. 19 inches long. You don't look huge at all! you look like you're carrying all out in front, like a basketball! I love it! Not long to go :)
I'm gonna go with 6lbs 13oz and 20ins long
You look beautiful in all of these pictures as I'm positive you did with Molly! I can't wait to see Maggie. My guess is 6 pounds 9 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long.
I'll put my money on 7lbs 5oz and 20"
Okay, I have to put my 2 cents in... I'll guess... 6lbs 3oz 18" 3/4"...