
With my first three pregnancies the second trimester was one of lots of energy, and lots of accomplishments.  This pregnancy is definitely a lot different!  I don't even remember what energy is like, and I feel like I get the bare minimum done everyday, and that is it!  The scary thing is that I am now entering my third trimester, and I know that it isn't going to get any better!
In my quest to just keep my head above water, I have been realizing some things that have been left on the back burner, and I am just absolutely grossed out!  So, if you are feeling like a bad mom, or like you don't get everything on your list done, you are not alone!  Here are my top 4 disgusting things I have uncovered in the past week!
1.  We have all been dying of sinus headaches, and allergies lately.  Then I remembered on Thursday that I have NOT dusted any of the bedrooms in the past 8 months, and I have NOT vacuumed any of the bedrooms in the past 6 months.  GROSS!  I was absolutely horrified at what I collected on my dust cloths, and in the vacuum cleaner.  
2.  I also realized this weekend that I haven't changed the sheets on my bed in two months.  Disgusting!  I am so embarrassed to even admit how negligent I am!
3.  There has been this horrible smell coming out of the pantry for a couple of weeks now.  I checked the onions and the potatoes thinking that maybe one of them was rotting and creating the stench.  I didn't find anything in those bins so I just brushed it aside, thinking I'll get to it later.  Well, today I couldn't take it anymore, and decided to empty the stupid pantry out, and get to the bottom of what is making that awful smell!  I found a sippy cup full of curdled soy milk in the snack drawer.  Now, what is so shameful about this discovery, is that I took Joseph off of soy milk over a month ago, so that has been hanging out in the pantry for at least 4 weeks, and I was too lazy/tired to discover it before today.  
4.  Now for the most disgusting confession I finally decided that enough of my socks have been destroyed, and I need to cut my toenails.  Then I started thinking about it, and realized that I haven't cut them since the end of's December 8th folks...that is just sick!  I am so busy keeping my kids clothed, groomed, fed, educated, and alive that I just don't even stop to shave my legs or cut my own toenails.  So, I took an extra 5 minutes of "me time" on top of my 5 minute shower, and finally cut them!  Boy!  Did I feel pampered all day!  It's funny how kids change everything about your life!  Gone are the days of 20 minute showers, tanning once or twice a week, fixing my hair and putting make up on a couple times a day, taking 30 minutes to decide what to wear that day, etc.  "Me time" has turned into "yay, I had time to take a shower today, I got dressed, and even put my hair into a pony tail!"  But hey! My kids are always well groomed, clean, and look pretty cute!   
YIKES....and I'm adding another needy little body to this chaos in three months!  Heaven help me!
3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    LOL! I laughed so hard when I read your "confessions!" I'm glad that I am not the only one that is in survival mode, and just trying to get through the day! Thanks for being real!

    Jennifer from CA

  2. Shea Says:

    Julie, I love you! Thank you so much for this post! I often feel like other wives or moms are so much better than me, but it's good to know that I'm normal. :) I struggle with keeping up on my housework all the time! I'm not brave enough to share as much as you, but I will tell you that I found an onion ring in my couch today. :)

  3. Heidi Brown Says:

    LOL! :- ) You are not alone!