Some things that happen in life are just too funny, weird, and ridiculous to not share with others. I just happen to have a lot of those moments in my life, because....well, I'm weird and ridiculous myself! It's been a few weeks since I've done a "Not Me" so here a few priceless moments that have happened in the last few weeks.
It was not me that found an Uppercase Living party invitation on my microwave and contacted the friend that sent it to me, so that I could R.S.V.P. for the party. I was a little confused on the date because the day of the week it stated on the invite didn't match with the date of the month. So, in efforts to clarify which day it really was, I asked her about it. Bless her heart, my sweet friend very kindly explained to me that the party actually took place a year ago! Oh my goodness! That is so embarrassing! I mean...if that actually had happened to me, it would be embarrassing. Thank goodness I am much more organized than that, and that I actually don't have "junk piles" sitting around.
NO! This is not a picture of my nasty foot that I just posted on the internet. My feet are much better manicured. Take notice of the black and blue joints on the big toe. Yup, it was not me that broke my toe in several places doing something very walking. Okay....fine, maybe it was me. So the story goes like this:
My son, Luke, has always had a propensity for making booby traps in various places. You would think that after a few mishaps of finding these traps I would be more cautious, but I learn my lessons the hard way I guess. His newest thing is making "webs" using clear jump ropes, and tying them in between furniture. I told him several times last week not to do it anymore, because "somebody is going to get hurt." (Famous last words)
This past weekend we had company over, and it was getting late, so we started putting kids to bed in various locations. Since there was a baby sleeping in the boy's room, I decided to put Joseph to bed in my room. I tucked him in, turned out the light, and then decided to grab my chapstick while I was in there. So, I walked to the other side of the the dark, to get my chapstick. It was then that I discovered one of Luke's "webs." Various clear jump ropes where tied between my bed and my dresser, just about an inch off of the ground. I went flying across the floor and landed with a thud. Oh the pain that shot through my foot! I crawled in bed with Joseph and just laid there crying and in shock. Joseph then pats my back and says, "Mommy! Is you dead?" I then hit the hysterical point of laughing and crying all at the same time.
After regaining my composure, I came back down stairs to finish being a hostess to the company awaiting me. Once downstairs, my husband then asked me, "What in the world was that big thud upstairs?" I got to explain what happened then in front of everyone. Luckily, my guests know me well enough to know that behavior is quite normal for me. I was not gifted in the gracefulness department.
So, there ya have it. Some embarrassing, ridiculous moments from my life in the past couple of weeks. There is a poster I once saw called a "De-motivator." On the poster it had a ship half sunken in the middle of a storm. The caption under the poster said, "Perhaps your life was meant to be a warning to others."
Be warned my friend!
your poor foot! ouch! hope it feels better soon!
OMG! You are too funny! I can't believe you broke your toe....That is SOOOOO Luke and SOOOOOO you!
I just love you! :)
Just stopping over from the blogfrog. You have a beautiful family...and your kids are precious! Merry Christmas eve! : )
I love your blog! I've read many of your articles on homeschooling, and can't believe how much we think alike!