AHHHHH...Mondays. I never can tell if they are my friend or foe. Instead of feeling like the start to another week, I always feel like it's a day of recovering from the previous week. Today, as I recover from last week's craziness, in the classic fashion of McMamma, I thought I would participate in the NOT ME MONDAY! carnival blog.
It wasn't me that decided that it might be high time to finally put away my maternity clothes. After all, it's only been 8 months ago that I had my youngest child. EIGHT months! What in the world!
I definitely didn't get very sad and sentimental when I was putting away said maternity clothes. Not that I really enjoy the pregnancy part at all, but I just love the newborn stage, and it's just sad how quickly time flies. Here I have a long-legged, lanky, nine year old. Where has time gone?
I did not fall asleep in church yesterday morning and awaken to my sister and my husband laughing at me because I was snoring out loud! I would never do that! How rude! My husband and sister would never just leave me sitting there snoring and sleeping either. They are too concerned about protecting me from embarrassment!
It was not my refrigerator that has been stinking up the whole house for weeks now. I definitely didn't just do several quick checks of the food in there, and upon seeing no rotting food, just chalked it up to my imagination. After the horrific smell proceeded to get increasingly worse every day, I didn't realize that behind the paint tray, rollers, and brushes that have consumed the top shelf of my refrigerator, was my worst nightmare...A container of rotten garbanzo beans. I could see through the sides of the clear container that the beans had turned green, black, and fuzzy blue....obvious signs of decay. So, it was not me that absent mindedly opened the lid to this beast, stuck my nose right down close, and took a big ol' whiff to see if this was the offending odor causer. Oh my word! It was like I got punched in the face with that smell! It was the worst thing I've ever encountered, and I've smelled a lot of nastiness! Being the genius that I sometimes am, I most certainly didn't decide that disposing of this funk in the garbage disposal was a good idea. Yup! I dumped it down the sink, and ground up the rotting, putrid, garbanzo beans. Great idea Julie! Instead of just pitching the cheap, disposable glad- ware container full of that mess, I decided to chop it up very finely in the garbage disposal, thus releasing an even more foul odor. I kid you not, that smell was in every nook and cranny in our house. It was so bad my husband I had a hard time going to sleep that night. We tried candles, lysol spray, opening the windows, etc. It was just plain old NASTY! Lesson learned I guess...just dispose of the stupid container next time and don't try to be frugal and save it!
I don't even open those kind of containers. I through the entire thing right into the garbage. I had to do that once in my sisters apartment years ago with old rotten chicken. Frugality can back lash. Must use frugality talents for good not evil!