I realize that I have been MIA the last month. My last post was about trusting God, and man alive...God hasn't waisted any time in making sure I'm serious about that! The week I wrote that I was experiencing some horrible pain in my back, but I had just blamed it on all the traveling we had been doing, sleeping in a different bed, etc. Just days after arriving home in Michigan I started having pain in the front of my rib cage as well as my back. The more I just tried to ignore it and push on through it, the more unbearable it got! It landed me on the couch for days in so much pain I would just cry for lack of any other way to cope with it! After many, many doctor's appointments, chiropractor appointments, x-rays, and ultrasounds, we have finally gotten to the bottom of what is going on. Basically, the gist of it is this: I am carrying Miss Maggie so high, and she has grown so much, that there is nowhere else for her to grow, so my rib cage is being pushed out. I have two ribs that have started to separate from the cartilage. This started a something called Costochondritis, which is basically a horribly excruciating inflammation condition in the rib cage. I have a very high pain tolerance, and I am telling you, this is the most painful thing I have ever been through. Basically, all that seems to help is laying on my right side to keep the weight off of the left rib cage, and lots of rest! Just a couple of days ago I got a new contraption called a "rib belt", which holds my rib cage together while pushing the baby down. That seems to help some too.
The hardest times for me are at night. I can't get comfortable, and this awful muscle twitching in my back starts, and my body is tired from the day, so the pain is worse. So, I lay there awake and annoyed for hours every night. I was just thinking last night at 3:30 a.m. about the power of an injured member of the body, and how that relates to the body of Christ. It is so strange how two little ribs have managed to upset and change so much. Here they are outnumbered by millions of cells, bones, muscles, tendons, platelets, capillaries, arteries, veins, etc. but they are causing such a ruckus that it is effecting the whole body. The ribs cause inflammation, which stresses the muscles, which pinches the nerves that connect to the spine, that send messages to the brain, etc. My whole body is effected by this! I can't do any of my normal lifting, cleaning, walking, sleeping, sitting, routine that I do...I lay on the couch. It is a waste of my time, I'm not being productive, things are being neglected, etc. because of two little ribs!
In Romans 12:1-21, the Bible talks about how as Christians, we are all members of one body, and we all serve a different purpose. In Colossians 3, we are told how to operate and behave so that the body as a whole can function together in peace, and accomplish it's purpose. As a pastor's wife, it never ceases to amaze me how the body of Christ (the church) can get all out of whack due to one or two little outnumbered parts. Maybe the part/s are injured, causing a disturbance. Maybe they are just unhappy about something, and have decided to raise a ruckus with their gossip or bad attitudes. Whatever the situation, when one little part is out of whack, it DOES effect the whole body. It wastes time, it keeps the church from being productive, other important things get left neglected, it slows down and hurts the whole church.
In the human body, the brain is the one in charge of making sure everything is on track. It receives messages from the nerves from the WHOLE body. It knows the bigger picture of what is going on, verses the toe nail on the right foot or the freckle on your nose. The toe nail and freckle are important, because they make you unique, and they serve their own purpose, but they don't understand the bigger picture. In the body of Christ, the church leadership (Pastors, deacons, and elders) are put in their positions of authority by God to know and understand the big picture of what is best for the body. When a stink is made over the color of the carpet, hymns vs. chorus', pews vs. chairs, color of the paint choice in the classrooms, etc. it is like a knuckle on the pinky finger trying to call the shots for the whole human body,with their limited knowledge and experience. The body of Christ needs to trust it's leadership, and do everything to work together in peace to accomplish it's purpose!
On a much more positive note regarding the human body/body of Christ....I normally am taking meals to people, sending cards, making phone calls , filling holes that need to filled. I never have had to just lay on the couch and let other people serve me. I have been just blown away by the incredible outpouring of kindness to my family. The cool thing too is that it is from the Body of Christ universal, not just local. I know that people are praying for me in Germany and Australia, as well as my next door neighbor. A lady from my home-church came and did my laundry today, people from my church here in town are bringing us meals, and a sister in Christ from Florida sent me a whole bunch of beautiful baby clothes. I have received e-mails from fellow Christians that I don't even know, but they have dealt with Costochondritis and wanted to encourage me. How cool is that? I, a member of the body of Christ, am injured, and the whole body is working together to help me get back to performing what my intended function is to accomplish a purpose together...reaching the lost for Christ. NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE!!!!! This has been so encouraging for me to experience! Who around YOU can use some extra TLC? What can we do TODAY to help another member of the body?
Wow! Wow! Wow! What an incredible testimony and encouragement. How many of us can truly say that when we are "injured" we are looking for the ways God will be glorified in and through our circumstances? That is what you are doing, Julie. Thank you for sharing how He is speaking to you and seeing you through this. I love it when a plan comes together...and I love it when I get to witness it! Still lifting you up in prayer...
Powerful Julie. Thank you.