Top picture is Luke building a "smurf lego house", picture on left is a pirate lego creation, and the picture on the right is "Wall-EE" ....a robot made out of various garbage he found around the house. Pretty amazing for a 5 year old!
At 11 1/2 years old, Molly is a very self-confident, musical, and caring little lady. She loves people, and in her mind there is nothing that she can't do!
Luke is an extremely smart, creative, and outgoing boy. He loves to talk, draw, tease people, and build things. He was 9 in March.
Our third born is a very spirited, stubborn, witty, and confident little guy. At 5 1/2 years old, he can make you laugh and cry all in the same minute!
Miss Maggie is our sweet, easy-going, ray of sunshine. She was 3 years old in March.
My littlest man. Almost 6 months old and such a little joy! Andrew is really a dream baby....sleeps 8 hours at night, easy going, and a cuddler. He has an extreme case of reflux and you never know when you are going to get covered in spit up, but it is just a funny little quirk I know he'll outgrow!
I like Wall-EE the robot the best!!! Very cute!